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CONGRATULATIONS to CCIBC junior bowler, Jake Pankhurst, who was nominated and received a Future Champions award from the Sir Arthur Marshall Future Champions Programme 2021 in collaboration with Cambridge County Council. This award is for junior athletes and junior sportsmen and women who have achieved at a high level within their sport and are hoping to go on to greater accolades.
Jake achieved recognition from the programme, having reached several national finals outdoors in 2019 and being the National under 18 Pairs runner up the year before.
Jake was presented his award in an on-line ceremony with the mayor. Thanks go to Bowls England and Chesterton Indoor Bowls Club for their support.
Jake is pictured with his certificate and one of the new bowls purchased with his grant money.CONGRATULATIONS to CCIBC junior bowler, Jake Pankhurst, who was nominated and received a Future Champions award from the Sir Arthur Marshall Future Champions Programme 2021 in collaboration with Cambridge County Council. This award is for junior athletes and junior sportsmen and women who have achie...See more